D is for Dragon

D is for Dragon
Available Now at Lulu.com

Welcome to the Hearthside

The Hearthside is a blog for the writings of Nathaniel Hart. Check out the sample stories to the right. Check Below for updates on appearances, readings, and current work.

26 November 2016

Small Business Saturday

It's Small Business Saturday and you can get D is for Dragon or Water Rounded Stones at Portland small businesses. 

D is for Dragon can be found at Red Castle Games, Guardian Games, and the Sprightly Being Cafe (searching google for any of these names will get you an address). 

Water Rounded Stones, my short story collection, can be found at Powells Books though they have limited copies on hand. 

Additionally, I am extending our weekend sale to Water Rounded Stones as well. If you email me by Monday I am offering $2 off the sticker price of each book. To get that special price send me an email by clicking the link here I will bring this sale back some time in December as well. 

Have a good weekend! 

23 November 2016

November Reading and End of Year Sales

Hi everyone,

My reading on the 6th went great. We had several people in attendance and the candy for the kids was a hit, maybe to much so... More importantly it was awesome to see D is for Dragon on a screen! I hope to do more of these events in the future. I have one at least in planing stages for the coast, and I'm looking into other locations. There are some pictures from the event up on my Author Facebook, in case you couldn't make it out

More exciting news is our upcoming sale for D is for Dragon. Starting Friday and running through Monday we are offering $2 off the standard price when you buy it from us directly. To do that send an email here and let me know how many copies you want, and where to ship them. I will reply from there with payment options. We will offer this sale again in December.

Finally, I am also pumped to share our new products for D is for Dragon: the Coffee Mugs and t-shirts from the kickstarter are available for purchase through Vistaprint. Check out the links below to do that.


Buy a Coffee Mug

Buy a T-Shirt

Buy Books Directly at $2 off